Ein Stapel Vlies-Platten in einem grünen Feld

The Future is Green, with the Help of Natural Fiber Composites

As the world works together towards a more sustainable future, natural fiber composites can already bring us one step closer to this goal. They are made from plant-based, renewable raw materials such as flax and hemp and offer an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional synthetic composites such as polyester or other oil-based plastics. In this blog post, we look at the incredible potential of natural fiber composites and discuss their unique benefits, including sustainability, carbon footprint, short supply chains, biodegradability, recyclability and the wide range of innovative products that can be made from these remarkable fibers.

The Term, Briefly Explained

Natural fiber composites: This somewhat unwieldy term should first be broken down and explained in its individual components.

Natural fibers are all fibrous materials that come from natural sources. These include plants, animals and minerals. Natural fibers that have been chemically transformed and therefore belong to the so-called regenerated fibers must also be distinguished. In our production, we mainly use hemp and flax from the group of natural fibers. In the form of nonwovens, these materials are mainly used today as breeding fleece in agriculture or in the automotive industry. We want to further develop these materials ourselves and make them known for the universal purposes in which the material can be used. The natural look and feel, formability and low weight of the material - among many other useful properties - predestine the material for the furniture and molded parts industry.

Meanwhile, composite materials are a mixture of two or more basic materials. Depending on the type of material, these basic materials are joined together in different ways; this reaction creates a composite. The composite also combines or improves the desired material properties.

The term is used to describe natural fibers that are combined with a polymer matrix to produce highly stable, durable and malleable materials. These are comparable to conventional polyester nonwovens, but achieve a significantly better environmental balance through the use of natural fibers. The end result is a compound material that combines the positive aspects of the individual resources. Natural fiber composites, or NFC for short, are so valuable to us because they offer the sustainable benefits of natural fibers, strengthened by the properties of the composite matrix - while remaining fully recyclable and biodegradable.

Sustainable Reasons for the Usage of NFC

Sustainability and CO2 Balance: A Gamechanger

The environmental benefits of using natural fiber composites are considerable. They have a smaller ecological footprint compared to synthetic fibers, as their production process consumes less energy and emits fewer greenhouse gases. As they are made from fibers such as flax and hemp, the raw materials are renewable and can be grown locally and in an environmentally friendly way. We rely specifically on these materials because the cultivation itself requires less water and other resources than similar plants and is possible on many types of soil. The fibers are also very tear-resistant and have good abrasion resistance. Compared to polyester, which is made from petroleum, the sustainability of natural fiber composites is a major advantage.

It is not only the cultivation of natural fibers itself that offers an advantage, but also their recyclability. Natural fiber composites are ideal for recycling and can be reused without any loss of quality. The result is hugely important for the environment: if the products are properly recycled at the end of their life cycle, the resources can be reprocessed without the direct addition of fossil materials. And this can be done with a fraction of the production effort and, in theory, completely without processing new resources. However, this assumes a recycling rate of 100%, which can never realistically be achieved. We are convinced that this method is nevertheless one of the best ways to protect our environment and still meet the demand for this versatile material.

 Material Supply Chain: Grown Sustainably

The plants from which the required raw materials are produced are renewable resources that require relatively little water and fertilizer and yet grow quickly. This enables a continuous, local supply and reduces transportation and environmental pollution. The impact on the soil is also limited and the plants can be re-grown many times. It is a supply chain that is both sustainable and reliable. Our suppliers are based in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands, so the materials do not have to be transported by sea. The raw materials are grown sustainably and carefully, and we can always trace this through the proximity of our suppliers.

A field of flax plants at sunset

 Recycling: From Waste to Wonder

Unlike most composite materials, natural fiber composites are highly recyclable. They can be reprocessed into new products, drastically reducing waste and environmental impact. If these products are also not made from other material groups (i.e. are a mono-material), recycling can be made even easier and faster. For example, when an organization box is made from natural fibre fleece, the material is formed without the need for additional auxiliary materials or contaminating the fibres. Any additions such as metal feet or handles can be easily attached and just as easily removed at the end-of-life of the product. This makes sorting the materials much easier and allows for a smooth recycling process.

This helps to conserve resources and create a circular economy that minimizes the environmental impact of product manufacture and disposal. The aim of this cycle is to use as few new resources and produce as little waste as possible. The key to establishing effective circular economies for products is to set up the right processes on the manufacturer side to ensure proper recycling of these materials. One example of this is our closed-loop system.

Biodegradability: Returning to Nature

The use of natural fibers requires that they be biodegradable. One of the most important advantages of natural fiber composites is their biodegradability. Unlike synthetic fibers, which can take centuries to decompose in nature and have devastating effects on our environment if disposed of improperly, natural fibers decompose within months or years. This reduces waste volumes and relieves the burden on our environment.

Why is degradability even relevant when the recycling quality is so high? Perfect recycling can never be guaranteed. For example, improper disposal by consumers or contamination of the materials by other substances can never be completely ruled out. The use of natural fibers creates a safety net for the environment, so to speak: If the first route via the recycling site cannot be taken, the product does not permanently pollute the environment in landfills or in the ocean, but gradually decomposes and becomes part of nature again.

If you would like to delve deeper into the topic of biodegradable vs. recyclable, you can find our detailed blog post about it here.

Manufacturing Aspects: Compression Molding Natural Fiber Composites

Compression molding is a process in which material is heated in a contact heater and then pressed into a mold in which it can cool and harden. A wide variety of products can be manufactured in this way, as the shape of the product depends on the tool - so the design possibilities are almost endless. Another advantage: the product-specific molding tools are inexpensive and have a long service life compared to other production processes. Energy consumption and waste are reduced compared to other manufacturing processes. Compression molding of natural fiber composites requires a lower temperature and the excess material can be recycled. This method also does not require toxic adhesives - another environmental advantage.

We specialize in the processing of nonwovens and work with different variants of this material. All have different advantages and disadvantages. Even if the use of nonwovens made of natural fibers is not possible for certain reasons, there are other options for sustainable production. We also process nonwovens made of recycled polyester and upcycled textiles. These groups also have a wide range of applications and are conceivable in almost all industries.

A person taking a piece of formed fleece out of a compression molding machine.

Is There A Catch?

In short - no. Natural fiber composites are a wonderful material that has many uses and represents a long-term perspective for a sustainable economy. They represent a promising alternative to many environmentally harmful products used and manufactured today. When it comes to sustainability, carbon footprint, biodegradability, recyclability and increasing supply chain challenges, these fibers are becoming increasingly important for a variety of applications. So, as we continue to work towards a more sustainable and conscious approach to our environment, one thing is certain: natural fiber composites will continue to play an important role in shaping a better economy.


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