
Woodworking in our production includes a variety of production steps and processing methods: We shape wood, format it according to precise specifications, sand, mill, drill and interlock it. These processing steps enable us to manufacture molded parts and even entire cases from wood. We also produce the veneer as a base ourselves. We layer and glue the wood and then press it. We are equipped with the necessary tools for punching holes or attaching locks or hinges to complete cases and other molded parts. We have been developing and consolidating the expertise and in-depth knowledge required to work with wood as a raw material for generations. Precision and an eye for detail are essential for these products.

Molded Wooden Parts at the Highest Level

  • Illustration einer Kreissäge
  • Optimal Selection of Wood

    Each wood is different and enables us to achieve specific objectives. For example, some woods are more malleable, others are extremely robust or even break-resistant. Depending on requirements, the right wood types for the respective purpose and place of use of the finished molded part can be selected. The choice of wood is at the start of every project and defines all further processing steps.

  • Creative Decors With Hand Lamination

    A molded wooden part can be hand-laminated with a textile decorative material, leather or synthetic leather after the manufacturing process. This gives great flexibility in the choice of surface decors and colors.
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Materials We Process

To create shaped wood for case and molding applications, we press, shape, bend, cut and sand wood. All of our wood is PEFC or FSC certified and we can even use wood that meets TSCA Title VI standards for US exports.

  • Ein Stapel von geformten Furnierplatten, die beschwert und stabilisiert werden.
  • Ein Holzblock wird von einer Person auf einem Schleifband glatt geschliffen.
  • Ein Holzteil wird von einer Person mit einer Schleifmaschine bearbeitet.

Fine-tuning the Exact Result

In woodworking, we can change the appearance of a part in a variety of ways. Here we combine the different woodworking methods with our existing machine technology.

  • Cutting

    Depending on the geometry, it is possible to subsequently mill the molded parts or cut them with a water jet. Machining with saws is also possible.

  • Coating

    Molded parts and cases can be covered with textile, synthetic leather or leather to give the wood a decor.

  • Assembly

    The parts can be assembled in a variety of ways, for example using zippers, add-on elements and push buttons or gluing parts together.

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