Natural Fiber Fleece

Natural fiber fleece is a natural material that is becoming increasingly popular in furniture and interior design due to its special properties. It consists of natural fibers such as hemp with matrix fiber, which are processed into a flexible, lightweight yet durable nonwoven by needling.

Our standard nonwoven consists of hemp and a biodegradable matrix fiber. The material is circular and can be recycled in a closed loop (mechanically).
Eine Aufbewahrungsbox aus beigem Formvlies aus Naturfasern.

Natural Fiber

3D Shaping

Natural fiber fleece can be formed into 3D molded parts and is a substitute material for various other materials, especially polyester fleece. For example, it can replace metal parts such as cable trays or textile-covered products such as screens. Chair shells, storage boxes, partition walls and many other products can be made from natural fiber nonwovens.

Verschiedenfarbige Platten aus Naturfaser Formvlies in beige und dunkelbraun.

Natural Fiber

Sheet Material

Wir bieten Standardmaterialien an, aber unsere wirkliche Stärke ist es, kundenindividuelle Lösungen herzustellen. Wir können die Grammatur, die Dicke und Größe von Platten frei und variabel herstellen.

  • Unsere Standardstärken sind 10mm, 12mm (2.000 g/m2) und 20mm (3.000 g/m2). Individuelle Stärken von 3-30mm sowie Grammaturen von 1.000gsm bis 4.000gsm sind möglich.

  • Unsere Standardgrößen sind 3.200mm x 2.200mm und 2.300mm x 1.200mm, je nach Material und Farbe. Individuelle Größen sind bei uns jederzeit und einfach möglich.
  • Natürlich abbaubar.


    Our natural fiber fleece is degradable in soil, seawater, landfills and in sewage plants.

  • A+ VOC Emissionen.


    Our standard natural fiber fleece has very good emission values and passes all standard test procedures and regulations in various countries.

  • Zertifizierte Akustik.


    Our acoustic panels made of natural fiber fleece achieve very good values in acoustic tests according to DIN EN ISO 354 with values of αw 0.25 | NRC 0.35 to αw 0.95 | NRC 0.95

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  • Hellbraunes Naturfaser-Formvlies aus Hanfpflanzen.

    Light Hemp

    Matching Pantone

  • Dunkelbraunes Naturfaser-Formvlies aus Hanfpflanzen.

    Dark Hemp

    Matching Pantone

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Ein Feld mit vielen Hanfpflanzen in Reihen.

Form Plant to Fiber

The use of hemp instead of plastic is important for several reasons. Hemp is a natural, biodegradable resource that leaves no harmful residue behind when it is disposed of. Unlike plastic, which is based on fossil fuels and often takes centuries to decompose, hemp decomposes quickly and in an environmentally friendly way. In addition, growing hemp requires less water and pesticides than other crops, making it a sustainable alternative.

  • Eine kleine Hanfpflanze.

    Fast Growing Fibers

    Hemp is grown natively in Europe. It grows very quickly and has no negative impact on the soil.

  • Teile einer Hanfpflanze, zur Trocknung aufgereiht.


    After harvesting, hemp is dried to remove moisture and ensure the quality of the fibers.

  • Ein Knäuel aus Naturfasern.


    The dried hemp plants are then used to produce fibers that can be processed into nonwoven materials.

  • Eine gebrochene Vliesplatte aus Naturfasern und ein Recycling-Symbol.

    Biodegradable and Recyclable

    The fibers come from nature and can be broken down there. The matrix fibers that give the fleece its strength also break down biologically.

  • Ein Stapel Vliesplatten aus Naturfasern und ein Kreislauf-Symbol.

    End of Life

    At the end of the life cycle, we take back products and take care of the recycling process so that it is as easy as possible for our customers.

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